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Digital Report - immediate delivery to your email.

Date of Publishing: 2023.
No. of Pages: 36.

The Digital Dollar Project is a non-profit organization devoted to catalyzing private sector research and exploration of the potential advantages and challenges of a U.S. central bank digital currency (CBDC), or “digital dollar.” It works to convene and incorporate the diverse perspectives and expertise of private sector, academic, and non-profit leaders to inform the national consideration of a digital dollar and to understand the implications of global CBDC developments for Americans



1. Introduction.

2. Refresh: What is the Digital Dollar Project?

3. (Re)introduction to CBDC.

4. Status of global CBDC development.

5. Revisiting the DDP’s tenets for a digital dollar Tokenization.

6. Third format of currency.

7. Maintenance of the two-tiered banking system.

8. Privacy.

9. Monetary policy-neutral.

10. Continued private sector innovation.

11. More research is needed.

12. Global CBDC standards: Will the United States lead?

13. Conclusion: A call to action.

14. Appendix: Region-by-region breakdown of CBDC projects.

- United States

- Europe

- Asia - Pacific

- Africa

- Americas

15. References.

16. About the authors.


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